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ReBorn Wood Label

Past Release 2020.11.27


Past Release 2020.11.27


Hedge Hop / The Truth feat. Karen Marie and Marshall York

Takahiro IzumikawaのLo-Fi Hip Hopプロジェクト第三弾は、シカゴ出身のシンガー・ソングライター、ボーカリストでオフ・ブロードウェイにてP!inkやジョン・レジェンドとデュエットするカレン・マリーと、NYでTakahiro Izumikawaと共にHip Hopシーンでロバートグラスパーやクリス・デイブをはじめ有名ミュージシャンをドラマーとしてサポートするマーシャル・ヨークによるコラボ作品!
ポエトリー・リーディングのような心地よく諭す様なネオソウル系の歌声とリアルなNYの楕円形グルーブのエッセンスをそのままLo-Fiビートとして落とし込んだまさに真実のChill Hop!
Takahiro Izumikawaが積み重ねてきたミュージシャンシップの質の高さと信頼度がシンプルながらも存分に集約された歌物Lo-Fi Hip hop!

The 3rd single of the “Hedge Hop” project led by Takahiro Izumikawa is a collaboration with a singer-song-writer, Karen Marie, from Chicago who is performing with P!ink and John Legend in off-broadway and a famous supportive drummer, Marshall York, for Robert Glasper, Chris Dave and many of these Hip-Hop & Jazz scene in NY.
You can tell that this tune is the truth of the Chill-Hop since there are essences of the old school Neo-Soul poetry reading vibe by the comfortable and warm tone of Karen’s voice and the literarily elliptical and drunk feel of the groove.
This is not only the simple Lo-Fi Hip-Hop song but also most definitely the historical and condensed tune of these reliable musicianship since they including Takahiro have grown up and worked really hard in the competitive support musician community in NY.
The jacket is designed by the true artist, Yui Ogura.

Title: The Truth feat. Karen Marie and Marshall York
Artist: Hedge Hop
SONG: Takahiro Izumikawa / Karen Marie / Marshall York
Performed by Takahiro Izumikawa / Karen Marie / Marshall York
ARRANGEMENT: Takahiro Izumikawa
Lyrics: Karen Marie
Produced by Takahiro Izumikawa
Mixed by Shuichi Morita
Jacket Design: Yui Ogura

2020.11.27 Release 品番:RWR-0003