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ReBorn Wood Label

Past Release 2021.1.22


Past Release 2021.1.22


Hedge Hop / Down Stream feat. paalsh

Takahiro IzumikawaのLo-Fi Hip-hop Project “Hedge Hop”5作目のシングルはカナダ人Hip-Hopプロデューサーpaalshとのコラボレーション!
下流へと向かって流れて行く川の流れのように、そうLo-Fi Hip-Hop愛好家へとこの曲は広がってゆく。。。

ase of the “Hedge Hop” project by Takahiro Izumikawa is a collaboration with a Canadian Hip-Hop producer, paalsh.
paalsh has special mixture taste of the Lo-Fi Hip-Hop beats which sounds like a little bit drowned, shadowy and dark feelings.
The groove of this tune is pushed by these textures of the flowy Lo-Fi piano motif and the elegant touches of Fender Rhodes and Prophet by Takahiro Izumikawa which are ducked by the snappy snare.

This song will reach out to those Lo-Fi Hip-Hop Lovers through as if downstream…

The exquisite and elaborate jacket is designed by Yui Ogura

Title: Down Stream feat. paalsh
Artist: Hedge Hop
SONG: Takahiro Izumikawa / paalsh
Performed by Takahiro Izumikawa / paalsh
ARRANGEMENT: Takahiro Izumikawa
Produced by Takahiro Izumikawa
Co-produced by paalsh
Mixed by Shuichi Morita
Jacket Design: Yui Ogura

2021.1.22 Release Product#:RWR-0005